
Ruliology, established by Stephen Wolfram, examines how simple computational rules can generate complex behaviors. This field is essential for studying various systems, from biological organisms to galaxies, using minimal computational models.

Project Overview

Ruliology at the Wolfram Institute explores the study of simple rules and their complex behaviors across various systems. The project examines how simple computational rules can generate intricate patterns and structures, aiming to uncover fundamental principles underlying complexity. It focuses on identifying and classifying these rules, understanding their properties and exploring their applications in areas like physics, biology and artificial intelligence. Our research provides deeper insights into the computational universe, helping us understand the structure and behavior of complex systems.

Relevant Resources

  • Charting a Course for “Complexity”: Metamodeling, Ruliology and More

    September 23, 2021

    Stephen Wolfram (2021), Stephen Wolfram Writings.

  • Exploring Rulial Space: The Case of Turing Machines

    Submitted on 22 Jan 2021. Stephen Wolfram.

    arXiv:2101.10907 [cs.DM].

Associated Output


Quantum Foundations


Hypergraph Calculus