Institute Output

General Relativistic Hydrodynamics in Discrete Spacetime: Perfect Fluid Accretion onto Static and Spinning Black Holes
Jonathan Gorard
This study investigates the effect of spacetime discretization on accretion dynamics of a relativistic fluid onto a spinning black hole, specifically noting that accretion rates decrease with increased discretization scale and that drag force sensitivity and instabilities intensify at critical discretization values.

Computational General Relativity in the Wolfram Language using Gravitas II: ADM Formalism and Numerical Relativity
Jonathan Gorard
This paper introduces the Gravitas computational general relativity framework's numerical subsystem, emphasizing its ability to perform 3 + 1 spacetime decompositions via the ADM formalism, handle complex simulations of gravitational phenomena like binary black hole mergers, and leverage adaptive refinement algorithms based on hypergraph rewriting within the Wolfram Language.