Diagrammatic calculus and generalized associativity for higher-arity tensor operations
Carlos Zapata-Carratalá
Xerxes D. Arsiwalla
Taliesin Beynon
In this paper we investigate a ternary generalization of associativity by defining a diagrammatic calculus of hypergraphs that extends the usual notions of tensor networks, categories and relational algebras. In doing so we rediscover the ternary structures known as heaps and are able to give a more comprehensive treatment of their emergence in the context of dagger categories and their generalizations. Our key insight is to approach associativity as a confluence property of hypergraph rewrite systems. This approach allows us to define a notion of ternary category and heapoid, where morphisms bind three objects simultaneously, and suggests a systematic study of higher arity forms of associativity.
Preprint - Heaps of Fish: arrays, generalized associativity and heapoids - https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2205.05456
Publication - Diagrammatic calculus and generalized associativity for higher-arity tensor operations - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2024.114915